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Philosophical wellbeing in the meta-crisis: „My Science – Our Society”

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FHM Berlin

Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) Berlin

Ernst-Reuter-Platz 3-5
10587 Berlin
+49 30 259236334 berlin@@fh-mittelstand..de

"Philosophical wellbeing in the meta-crisis"

We live in an era that is characterized by unprecedented global challenges, from climate change, species extinction and social inequality to political polarization. The challenge of these problems is that they have no clearcut solutions. The challenge is also that our lives and our well-being depend on finding solutions. There is no such thing as individual well-being. And neither the realm of politics nor economics holds the power to rescue our planet. Turning to artificial intelligence as a saviour proves equally futile. A solitary focus on personal success would, even more, lack the scope to make a global difference. What then does it mean to be well in a world in which we are inextricably entangled to the social and ecological crises of our time?

Prof. Dr. Jessica Böhme

Prof. Dr. Jessica Böhme

Professur Technische Betriebswirtschaft

Ausgezeichnet! Zertifizierte Qualität an der FHM.